Improving the effectiveness of systems, organizations and programs that touch the lives of people and families.
Our Services
Guiding leaders and organizations towards fulfilling their potential.
Teaching and developing skills for today’s professionals seeking tomorrow’s results.
Customized Workshops
Provoking creativity, new perspectives and next-level ideas for progress and success.
Expertly designed, efficient delivery of information and knowledge to support customer needs.Description goes here
Support Where It Matters Most
Check out this powerful story of a single father’s devotion to his daughters.
Engagement and Implementation Strategies
These graphic recordings are from community conversations that are part of an initiative called All Children Thrive (ACT) and the National Maternal Health Innovation Symposium.
Lucian Families is providing father engagement and involvement, and program implementation strategies to the initiative. The ACT Community Conversations asked residents, families and parents what they thought was necessary for children and youth to thrive.
Lucian Families, providing Coparent Coaching Services to the Talbert House Fatherhood Program, participated in the CHaRMED Study. Our Coparent Coaching services have also been evaluated by the Fathers Research & Practice Network’s “Summary Report: Evaluating Mother and Nonresident Father Engagement in coparenting Services in a Fatherhood Program.”